Stories, News & Events

for change

Ko Papa, Ko Rangi: Ahi Kaa

What does it take to keep the home fires burning in Aotearoa, and why is the term “land back” synonymous internationally with climate action? Season Two of our podcast Ko Papa, Ko Rangi: Ahi Kaa is out



Deep South, signing off

A final message from the Director of Te Kōmata o Te Tonga | The Deep South Challenge


Primary sector preparedness means understanding blips and trends

Climate change presents unprecedented challenges to our primary sector. Yet significant gaps exist in our understanding of its impacts on agriculture, the costs of these impacts, and the most effective and equitable ways to adapt.


Te Huka o Te Tai Highlights

As a remote and coastal Māori community, we have inherited responsibilities for protecting the legacy of our takutai and its wellbeing. Our people today depend heavily on the takutai for subsistence living, and our responsibilities also extend to future generations.


Eating with my Tuupuna

Our traditional kai plays a critical role in our cultural health and well-being. Despite immense pressure, the Waikato River and Manukau Harbour systems have long provided a source of health, economic and cultural sustenance to the people of Te Puuaha. Our research moemoea is to enhance our cultural, environmental, social and economic outcomes under climate change, using the vehicle of our traditional cuisine.


He Pā Mataora—Learning to live with the Living Pā

He Pā Mataora seized the rare opportunity afforded in the lead-up to the opening of Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington’s Living Pā building to explore the needs and challenges of moving an entire marae community into more climate adaptive and resilient practices.


Ki te whare tū tonu, ki te whare manawaroa: Towards a climate resilient meeting house

Climate changes such as high winds have lifted the roof of the whare tīpuna of Patuheuheu-Ngāti Haka, and changes to the water table have impacted on sewerage and drinking water systems. The hapū are looking to rebuild their marae to be resilient to these climate impacts.


Creating pēpi kōura nurseries to protect against a changing climate

A mātauranga Māori and science approach to enhancement and resilience of puerulus kōura (Jasus edwardsii) in a changing climate


A decade's hard work and dedication

Te Kōmata o Te Tonga, the Deep South National Science Challenge has now ended. Coinciding with Matariki, all of the National Science Challenges wrapped up their decade-long mahi on 30 June 2024, exploring some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s biggest and most complex questions.


An expansive view of kai - Kai Ora: Restoring local Māori food systems

This project is underpinned by whakapapa and whanaungatanga, calling forth an expansive view of kai, and the many layers of whanaungatanga that constitute kai, with an emphasis on te taiao.


Te Morehu Whenua: Moutoa Island Restoration Project

Moutoa Island Restoration Project has been led by Te Morehu Whenua, a tamariki and rangatahi-led environmentalist group, established by Ngāti Ruaka, hapū of Rānana, Whanganui River, in 2019.


Te Tirohanga o Ngā Tohu: Taranaki Climate Resilience Tool Development

This project embraces a Kaupapa Māori methodology in partnership with local iwi, and is underpinned by Māori philosophy and principles, centres the validity and legitimacy of a Māori world view, and seeks to produce useful and transformative research.


New Zealand wine - an industry under stress

Many wine growers operate in small rural communities, where problems like housing and labour already compound to make things periodically difficult, but climate change is upping the ante.


New tools to assess how seasonal snow contributes to streamflow in Aotearoa New Zealand

Getting the right answers for the right reasons: assessing the uncertainty in modelling snow and catchment processes for water resources management.


Mapping climate change impacts for adaptation success

It’s no secret that in many places around Aotearoa New Zealand, the sea is encroaching on our built environment – often reported in terms of the mess it makes of coastal property frontage. But the scale and shape of this disruption into the future is now a lot more visible thanks to projects like this one.


Insurance shake up coming

Kendon Bell (Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora) and Selai Letica’s (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Tonga) work on risk-based approaches considers what would happen if insurance companies continue the trend of breaking down insurance policies by specific and individual risks, rather than the collective way that risk was spread in the past.


Building enduring community-based capacity for adapting to climate change

Extreme weather events and disruptions compounded by climate change are becoming more commonplace. Communities along low-lying shorelines and near rivers are experiencing escalating risk. Building enduring community-based adaptive capacity is therefore vital. No single group can do this on their own.


Ko Papa, Ko Rangi: Ahi Kaa

What does it take to keep the home fires burning in Aotearoa, and why is the term “land back” synonymous internationally with climate action? Season Two of our podcast Ko Papa, Ko Rangi: Ahi Kaa is out


Innovations for climate adaptation

Where “there’s nothing to tell us what to do”, mana whenua and councils are discovering, inspiring others and innovating their way to climate adaptation solutions as they go along.


Growing Indigenous youth participation in climate change decision-making

This study focused on ways to develop the problem solving skills and leadership capability of rangatahi aged 12-14 years, though intergenerational support, particularly using  storytelling and action research to reinforce and amplify the leadership capabilities of young people.


Te Kawa o Te Ora webinar series

Responding to a changing climate includes asking, what tools do we have that can be repurposed? And it means taking care not to forget the importance of joy. As climate change continues to make itself felt, mana whenua communities are increasingly finding themselves reading the signs in their shifting physical and spiritual worlds and adapting on the fly.


Earth system models are the Earth’s digital twins

A decade-long series of interconnected projects on modelling clouds, aerosols and atmospheric chemistry ends in June. The Deep South National Science Challenge (DSC) promised to build an Earth System Model for New Zealand. Ten years on, what have we achieved?


Fresh water's impact on Antarctic sea ice

Climate models, which are our best tools for making projections of future climate, have failed to reproduce the observed trends in Antarctic sea ice. From 1979-2015 models showed declining Antarctic sea ice area, which didn’t match the slight increase observed from satellites. What does it all mean?


Revisiting Ko Papa Ko Rangi

Updated podcasts and a new report on the Ko Papa Ko Rangi symposium


Intergenerational Intimacies: a whakapapa conceptualisation of kai (webinar)

When we talk about kai, we are talking about the food we eat, but through whakapapa, the concept ‘kai’ evokes the many layers of whanaungatanga that constitute kai - whanaungatanga ki ngā atua, ki te taiao, ki te tangata, ki a koe anō. Here, the concept of whanaungatanga - being in good relation, is brought to the centre.


Severe and urgent challenges

This project used decision-making under deep uncertainty (DMDU) approaches and developed models to investigate compounding climate change hazards.


Impact of a changing climate on our energy system

Climate change impacts on wind and water need to be included in energy planning.


Ko Papa Ko Rangi: Up or Down?

A rolling symposium on reciprocity, risk and value, consisting of preliminary podcasts and culminating in an all-day event.


Symposium report: Adapting Aotearoa

Adapting Aotearoa symposium report and videos now available


Five climate lessons from Māori communities (that are guaranteed not to depress you)

Nadine Hura travels the country, learning about indigenous climate adaptation solutions


Adapting Aotearoa

An event exploring innovative solutions for building climate resilience and a deeper understanding of the urgency for adaptation in our agricultural practices.


Tiaki Mai, Tiaki Atu

In April 2024 we will be hosting a two day gathering bringing together our research community.


Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira: Rangatahi Climate Leadership Programme

Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira is a 5-month climate adaptation leadership programme for rangatahi Māori working with, or connected to, currently-funded Deep South Research projects.

Toi Rito +

A Decade of Dynamic Adaptive Decision-making tools in New Zealand

Practice applications, lessons learned and next steps.


Ko Papa Ko Rangi: Welcome to the Day!

This page is full of useful bits to assist attendees.


Ngā Kaitakawaenga: Nadine Hura and Naomi Simmonds

Nadine Hura and Naomi Simmonds are our two Kaitakawaenga. Their mahi is centred on supporting the Vision Mātauranga research teams.  


Webinar: The River Runs Through

The impact of changing snowfall on water flow, irrigation, energy supply and our very relationship with our rivers


New infosheet launched: Ocean data to support adaptation

For use by anyone interested in biophysical climate projections of the future ocean around Aotearoa.


We are all works in progress

Ruia Aperahama (Pou Tikanga for Te Kōmata o Te Tonga) tells us a story, weaving together his background with the work he is supporting the Challenge to do.


Engagement Team Co-Lead: Alexandra Keeble

Alexandra Keeble is our Engagement Team Co-Lead. She supports the whole engagement team to be equitable, efficient and effective in our work.


Communications Advisor: Zoe Heine

Zoe Heine is our Communications Advisor. She works on our communications great and small, including helping researchers share their stories.


EOIs sought for Processes and Observations Programme Leader

Expressions of interest are being sought for the Challenge Leadership Team (CLT) role of Processes and Observations Programme Leader.


Team Updates

We are pleased to announce two new team members, Mark Webley (Challenge Manager) and Max Scott Murray (Events Director).


Building strong stakeholder relationships

How are the National Science Challenges meeting the needs of their stakeholders? Results from interviews suggest we are on the right track.


Partnership Director: Angela Halliday

Angela's work focuses on supporting researchers to connect with stakeholders and organising various aspects of our public engagement.


Climate Change Knowledge Broker: Kate Turner

Kate supports researchers and stakeholders to access and understand Challenge datasets, and to translate the bigger picture of climate data.


Webinar: E tika te rere o te kuaka

In this webinar, we bring together Indigenous experts Rikki Solomon and Bobby Schaeffer, to guide a different kind of climate change conversation.


Research programmes

A short summary of research programmes and agencies undertaking work that might be relevant to our researchers.


Farewell to Mike Harvey

It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the death of our colleague and friend, Mike Harvey.


Change is the only constant!

We’re now on the lookout for a management superstar to guide us and grow with us over our final two years.


Community engagement infosheet launched

There’s good research about climate adaptation, including about methods of community engagement. But practical guidance around how to engage communities for climate adaptation is less well-covered


Cancelled! Matariki kōrero: Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te ao

This event has sadly been cancelled due to Covid-19. Mānawatia a Matariki!


Upcoming webinar: Living at the water’s edge

Climate-safe ground for papakāinga and coastal communities. In collaboration with Resilience to Nature’s Challenges, we bring you this online kōrero.


Submission on the draft National Adaptation Plan

This submission is based on the Deep South Challenge: Changing with our Climate experience of funding and delivering expert climate modelling and adaptation research and science.


Where are we heading? 

What does climate adaptation look and feel like for Aotearoa? Preparing to adapt in the face of our changing climate is complex and urgent work that will impact all of us and our communities.


Tairawhiti Researchers say Emissions Reduction Plan is good news for vulnerable region

Recent weather events in Tairawhiti are at the forefront of Aotearoa New Zealand’s first emissions reduction plan released yesterday.


Upcoming climate change relevant policy and legislation

The draft national adaptation plan (NAP) is full of cross-references to other plans and legislation. It can be hard to keep up with, so we have collated a reference list to help navigate this confusing landscape.


Submission to Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways Green Paper (2022)

This submission is based on the Deep South Challenge: Changing with our Climate experience of funding and delivering expert climate modelling and adaptation research and science.


Submission by the Vision Mātauranga programme to Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways green paper (2022)

We are grateful for the opportunity to feed into much-needed change in the Research, Science, and Innovation System in Aotearoa.


Update on our engagement team

The start of 2022 has seen a few changes in the Deep South Challenge engagement team. Here we say goodbye to those who have moved on, and introduce you to some new(ish) faces.


Restoring power to marae and hapū is climate adaptation

Climate adaptation research in Aotearoa is set to be invigorated by an unprecedented 14 research projects led by Māori, for Māori.


Mean heat: Marine heatwaves to get longer and hotter by 2100

New research from the Deep South Challenge: Changing with our Climate and NIWA shows that NZ could experience very long and “very severe” marine heatwaves by the end of the century.


A Mean Heat

How the climate is driving marine heatwaves. In collaboration with Sustainable Seas we bring you this online seminar with Erik Behrens (NIWA), Tony Craig (Terra Moana) and João De Souza (Moana Project).


New research preparing rangatahi for an uncertain climate future

Mana Rangatahi is one of three new climate adaptation projects funded through Living with Uncertainty.


Emissions targets still lacking, but world leaders taking heed of climate science

While targets put forward at COP26 might have fallen a little short, at least world leaders and policy-makers appear to be taking heed of climate science, Olaf Morgenstern writes.


Introducing our new Challenge Director Phil Wiles

Phil brings a breadth of experience across climate policy, community engagement and science, and we know he’ll steer the Challenge ship well through our critical final years.


Meeting electricity demand in 2050: Climate change & energy supply

Lead researcher in our Climate change impacts on NZ electricity project, Jen Purdie, is helping to future proof our energy supply, as we move towards 100% renewables.


Tikanga Māori can and must lead adaptation strategies

The research project, Te Tai Uka a Pia, finds that iwi and hapū can better work out how to respond to climate change through Tikanga Māori.


Long-term planning for drought needed now – report

The primary sector must start planning to adapt to intensifying drought conditions.


Calling for a new Director

We sadly say goodbye to our Director Mike Williams, who is taking up a new position at NIWA and welcome applications for his role


Getting hot, hot, hot - climate modelling explained

Scientists are now predicting higher temperatures with more certainty, so what’s changed? Dr Olaf Morgenstern explains.


He Karanga: Research funding for Māori

Two new funding initiatives, Te Aho and Te Taura, to support organic, creative, innovative, Māori responses to the impacts of climate change.


Drop-in Zoom 1: Te Taura

Come to our first drop-in Zoom session to find out more about our Te Taura research fund


Drop-in Zoom 2: Te Aho

Come along to talk through our Te Aho fund and work through the EoI form together


Drop-in Zoom 3: Te Taura and Te Aho

Our third and final drop-in Zoom session to take you through our two new research funds


Growing Kai Under Increasing Dry

A rolling symposium on on drought, climate change and primary sector resilience


Future drought could drain primary sector profit

New research finds a strong relationship between more intense future drought and drops in farm profit.


Webinar 3 | What to grow and where?

Drought policy and decision-making


Webinar 2 | Farm profits and community resilience

The social, economic and cultural impacts of drought in Aotearoa


Webinar 1 | The future for farmers and growers

Drought projections, drought modelling, extreme weather modelling and more


DSC Submission to the Climate Change Commission (2021)

Our submission to the Climate Change Commission's 2021 Draft Advice for Consultation


Living with uncertainty: Call for adaptation research ideas

Call for adaptation research ideas: 2 pagers due February 19, 2021


Wet feet? Insurance retreat...

What does climate change mean for our house insurance?


Sea Level Law: Case studies on council liabilities

Who is liable for taking adaptation measures?


Insurance retreat and climate change: Much-anticipated research released

What does climate change mean for homeowners and house insurance?


Māori and Antarctica Webinar Series: Ka mua, ka muri

Associate Professor Sandy Morrison will be speaking about her Deep South Challenge research project Te Tai Uka a Pia


DAM! Drinking water, water storage and decision making despite uncertainty

Can our water storage infrastructure be designed with both climate projections and flexibility in mind?


Our Kāhui Māori to protect and guide Antarctic as well as climate adaptation research

Kāhui Māori members to support the Deep South Challenge and Antarctic Science Platform to be and do better for Māori communities and researchers.


Major ocean modelling effort leads to better climate simulations

NZESM development published in journal


How will climate change-induced increases in extreme rainfall effect EQC liabilities?

Increasing weather-related hazards from climate change will cost the EQC more


100% climate resilient? Tourism, culture and climate change

How prepared is Aotearoa's tourism sector for the coming impacts of climate change?


Working backwards to prepare for climate change

New research to help decision-makers plan for climate change


Climate change impacts on land use suitability: An MPI seminar

How might climate change impact New Zealand's agricultural industries?


Primary industries must speed up adaptation to our changing climate

New research shows seasonal shifts in pasture production and wine grape flowering under future climate conditions


Ko te kawa o te ora

Explore the values and narratives behind the imagery you see throughout our website


“Tourism is built on the cultural narratives of a place...": Q&A with Priya Kurian, Debashish Munshi and Sandy Morrison

Q&A with researchers looking at the way culture influences people’s decisions about adapting to climate change


DSC Seminar | What’s climate change got to do with earthquake insurance? Extreme weather and the EQC

Annual EQC liabilities for extreme weather are likely to increase regardless of which future climate change scenario unfolds


Sea level rise and the law: Who is liable?

Who pays to adapt to climate change: local, regional or national government, or private citizens?


DSC Seminar Series | Flood management in NZ: is it fair?

Exploring the effectiveness and fairness of council-run flood mitigation schemes


Climate adaptation within New Zealand’s transport system

Identifying climate change induced issues for the transport sector


DSC Seminar | How climate models deal with ice around Antarctica

How ice melt rates affect climate modelling predictions for the future


"Domains" research funding round: Now open!

We're seeking funding proposals for our Domains Research


‘Ground zero’: How will climate-driven drought impact rural communities?

New research investigating the impact of climate change-driven drought on vulnerable communities


Welcome to Mike Harvey, new Processes & Observations programme lead

Meet our new Processes and Observations lead, Mike Harvey


New reports highlight flood risk under climate change

How much will coastal and river flooding affect communities, buildings and infrastructure?


Sea level rise and river flooding: flood risk under climate change

New research quantifies at-risk infrastructure


DSC Seminar | Sea level rise PLUS big storms: What exactly are we in for?

Building a comprehensive picture of the impact of coastal and inland flooding on our national infrastructure


What the MV Rena grounding and climate adaptation have in common: Treaty of Waitangi obligations

Exploring the Crown’s potential liability under the Treaty of Waitangi for climate adaptation decisions


Councils, Communities and Climate Change Adaptation

How are councils communicating with their communities about climate adaptation?


Community development for climate adaptation: Long-term relationships key in painful conversations

Council engagement with communities requires more than 'business as usual'


Change is nothing new in Te Hiku o te Ika

People are resourceful and have always worked with the weather


*BOOKED OUT* DSC Seminar | Community Development for Adaptation: Council-community engagement

Sharing climate adaptation insights from iwi, communities and councils


Now seeking expressions of interest for Programme Lead, Processes & Observations

Could you be our next Processes and Observations Programme Leader?


The Living Net: Kai in a Changing Climate

A small community in the remote Eastern Bay of Plenty gather all their resources to grow a business based around kai


Port Road: Climate risks at our urban edges

Inside a Wellington business doing everything they can to reduce their carbon footprint and safeguard against floods and sea-level rise


Deep South Challenge Conference: "Changing with our Climate"

We are holding our 2nd Deep South Challenge conference


Communicating Climate: report released!

We're pleased to be able to bring you a vibrant report of the event


Now seeking expressions of interest for Programme Lead, Impacts & Implications

The Impacts and Implications programme explores the wide-ranging impacts of climate change, from infrastructure to people and economics


Some doors close while others open: Challenge team update

Welcome to Anne-Marie Rowe, farewell to Andrew Tait


DSC Seminar | "Who pays? And is it fair?" Legal liability and ethics in climate adaptation

Who should fund climate adaptation?


The cascading impacts of climate change: New research released

“We need to understand the dependencies and feedback loops between the climate impacts and the wider systems they affect"


Vision Mātauranga funding round delayed until July 2019

This funding round supports research within the Māori Domain of the Deep South Challenge: Changing with our Climate.


Are you our next Challenge Manager?

Apply your scientific background and management abilities to a critical challenge facing our nation


“I am an optimist”: Q&A with departing Challenge Manager, Lucy Jacob

In this Q&A, we asked Lucy about her time in the Challenge and her plans for the future


Funding round now open for climate modelling and observations

We're now seeking funding proposals for climate modelling and observations to support model development


Not my problem? Sharing the risks of sea-level rise fairly

“If we stick with the status quo, the way we adjust to sea level rise will exacerbate existing inequality"


Just the ticket!

The Deep South Challenge contributes not one, not two, but up to four “tickets” to improve the world’s centralised global climate model


Drought under climate change: What do New Zealanders need to know now?

New report explores what remains to be done for New Zealand to prepare for future droughts


Explore our research strategy, which aims to understand climate impacts and adaptation options

We're proud to share our Future Strategy for 2019–2024


DSC Seminar #10 | Snow, ice and glaciers in our changing climate

Improving meltwater projections for the development of robust climate adaptation policy


Innovating Mātauranga in the National Science Challenges

An opportunity to hear from kaupapa Māori researchers across the National Science Challenges


Research, Science and Innovation Minister Dr Megan Woods announces further Challenge funding

Five years more funding for the Deep South's climate adaptation mission


Tourism and Climate Change: A Citizen Panel

Crafting an action plan for climate change adaptation in the tourism sector


Snow, ice and irrigation in our changing climate

How will snow fare under future climate conditions?


"Korowai Manaaki: Disaster Resilience"

Profile of Vision Mātauranga scholarship recipient, Hinerangi Eruera Manuera Murphy (Ngāti Awa)


DSC Seminar #9 | Clouds, Aerosols and Climate Models

Increasing certainty for New Zealand's climate projections by correcting cloud representation


Announcing our new Impacts and Implications programme lead, NIWA climate scientist Andrew Tait

We asked Andrew about his vision for the job, and for the broader challenge of climate adaptation in New Zealand


“Love for the ocean and a passion for science”

Profile of Vision Mātauranga scholarship winner, Daniel Smart (Ngāi Tahu)


Past trends in weather-related insurance in New Zealand

New paper explores EQC data to project the NZ Crown's financial liability for weather-related claims


DSC Seminar #8 | Climate-resilient Māori forestry and agriculture

Re-foresting the Waiapu catchment to reduce soil erosion and realise core Māori values


Climate change and our iconic Bluff oysters

Profile on Vision Mātauranga Masters scholarship recipient Sam Heenan (Ngāi Tahu)


Kia mau tonu: Flooding research and family influences

Vision Mātauranga scholarship recipient Raiatea Barlow Kameta describes her research into the impact of climate change on her marae


Seeking Expressions of Interest for the role of Programme Leader, Impacts and Implications

Can you provide critical science and planning support to the Deep South Challenge?


Narrowing in on Southern Ocean eddies

Guest blog by NIWA staff writer Campbell Gardiner


Farewell to Dr Suzi Kerr, Science Lead of our Impacts and Implications Programme

Thank you, Suzi!


Report back on our Climate Adaptation Ambassadors Workshop

Supporting and developing a community of skilled and influential climate ambassadors


DSC Seminar #7 | Global ocean modelling in the Deep South Challenge

Introducing ocean models and their roles in the climate system


Climate Adaptation Ambassadors' Workshop: Steering research through to policy and action

Developing and supporting a community of climate ambassadors


Coping in the face of climate change: Research announced to better support our communities

New research report highlights key gaps in our collective understanding about how climate change will impact Aotearoa New Zealand’s diverse communities


DSC Seminar #6 | Counting the cost of climate change: Treasury seminar redux

Who will pay for climate change adaptation, and how?


Deep South Challenge symposium created opportunities for researchers to hear directly from end-users

Attendees give their feedback on whether the symposium met its aims


“Never wrestle with a pig”

An interview with our new Science Lead in the Engagement Programme, Wendy Saunders


DSC Seminar #5: Drew Lorrey & Petra Pearce on historic weather and the NZ earth system model

Testing the NZESM against historical Antarctic weather observations


Creating a climate-safe Dunedin through community-driven climate action

Climate adaptation event will bring climate science to Dunedin’s general public and decision-makers


The Deep South Challenge awards funding to investigate climate-resilient, high-value crops for the whānau of Omaio

$250,000 granted to research Omaio’s changing climate and potential to create a local economy


Stormwater, wastewater and climate change: Impacts on our economy, environment, culture and society

New research with Tonkin + Taylor will explore climate change impacts on our storm and waste water systems


DSC Seminar #4: Dr Suzanne Rosier on Weather@Home ANZ

Using distributed computing to understand future climate extremes


Looking away from the rear view mirror: Climate change and its effects on New Zealand's stormwater and wastewater systems

Webinar with Professor Iain White


New Zealand's water systems particularly vulnerable to climate change

Report outlines knowledge and research priorities for preparing our storm and wastewater systems for climate change


Insurance: the canary in the coalmine of climate change?

New research into who should bear the cost of our changing climate, and when


“Gaining traction on intractable issues”

An interview with Partnerships Director Susan Livengood


"The earth's regular pulse... may be starting to falter"

Q&A with NIWA's sea ice researcher Natalie Robinson


Personal and professional thoughts on being a climate model developer in New Zealand

With NIWA scientist, Jonny Williams


Deep South Challenge tackles crucial task of understanding and adapting to climate change

"Scientists, industry and communities must work together if society is to adapt to our changing climate"


Climate Change and Mātauranga Māori

The largest ever Māori-led research effort into the implications of changing climate conditions for Māori society


Climate Change Engagement in Aotearoa New Zealand

Survey results identify opportunities to enhance climate change conversations and engagement


Science Leadership Team – Expressions of Interest

Could you be the next Science Leadership Team (SLT) member for our Engagement Programme?


DSC Seminar #3: Dr Huhana Smith on Climate Change and Coastal Māori Communities

“We need to keep designing opportunities for iwi and hapū to see the potential of what adaptive change can look like.”


DSC Seminar #2: Dr Jonny Williams and the NZ earth system model

"It’s only with the realisation of the Deep South Challenge that true earth system modelling research can take place for the first time."


Deep South proud to support new science journalism fund

A fund dedicated to furthering coverage of the science-related issues that impact New Zealanders


New $5 million support fund for quake-affected farmers

Includes funding for projects and advice related to climate change impacts and opportunities.


Registrations open for the 2017 Climate and Business Conference

'Meeting Disruption with Disruption'


Deep South Challenge Symposium

'Understanding and Adapting to Future Climate in Aotearoa New Zealand'


DSC Seminar Series #1 - Professor Pat Langhorne

The importance of processes on the margins of the Antarctic sea ice cover


Funding announced for climate resilience research

Flood hazards, meltwater outflows, coastal Māori communities and climate change engagement


Climate Talk: Dr Huhana Smith

Adaptation strategies to address climate change impacts on coastal Māori communities


The third Wai o Papa Exhibition: A project of hope for Māori Coastal communities

A model of participation and engagement to assist communities with understanding and adapting to climate change


The future of climate modelling in New Zealand

New paper outlines the purpose, challenges, next steps and future goals of the NZESM


“Accelerating progress in global modelling”

Milestone event for climate modellers


Reaching a new generation: Jamie's World on Ice

Using new platforms to communicate climate science


David Frame: Understanding climate risks makes us all less vulnerable

Reflecting on New Zealand's recent floods, and their links to climate change


Recruiting: Senior Communications Advisor for the Deep South Challenge based at NIWA

Apply your communications skills to a critical environmental science challenge


Scientists work to get celiometer system ready for RV Tangaroa cruise

Measuring the altitude of the bottom of clouds in the Southern Ocean


The cascading impacts of climate change

"We need to better understand the interconnections of climate change"


Deep South Challenge announces exciting new partnership

We're part of the 2017 Auckland Arts Festival!


Preparing New Zealand for climate change

NZ Herald's Jamie Morton discusses our research into how warming will affect New Zealand's water resources


NZ Geographic: New Zealand's Next Top Model

The Deep South Challenge is featured in a new story in New Zealand Geographic


$2 million boost for climate change impacts and implications research

Supporting planning and decision-making around extreme weather events and sea level rise


Antarctica’s great apron of sea ice just issued the world with a bold message

Now to work out what that message is


Carbon dioxide. Where does it come from? Where does it go?

Radio-carbon researcher Jocelyn Turnbull from GNS science outlines how her research informs the NZESM


NeSI’s supercomputer helps shed light on future climate

"You cannot operate an Earth System Model without a supercomputer."


Vision Mātauranga - Request For Proposals

The Vision Mātauranga science programme is opening a second round of funding


Icetronauts use old bird to measure Antarctic ice

“We are happy to be the first researchers who have shown that the EM-bird can be operated in Antarctica safely from an aeroplane.”


TedX Scott Base 2017

Antarctica - the remotest venue for a TedX event ever


Research Highlights

Three Deep South Challenge science projects with important findings for climate change modelling


Deep South Challenge - 2017 Contestable Funding Round

Seeking proposals for research that enables New Zealanders to adapt, manage risk, and thrive in a changing climate


Engagement Programme: Opportunities for funding

Do you have an idea for Engagement about the Deep South Challenge?


Dialogue: a path forward

How can insurance better inform and improve climate change-related risk?


Engagement Strategy and Executive Summary

Improving our understanding of climate change science and its implications for New Zealand


New Processes & Observations Lead

Welcome to Associate Professor Adrian McDonald


New Zealand's Next Top Model

Q+A with Dr Olaf Morgenstern on the development of the NZESM


New Director, new challenges

Q+A with Dr Mike Williams


First year anniversary for climate modeller

Interview with Dr Jonny Williams


Dr Judy Lawrence to co-chair new government expert panel

Cascading impacts and implications of climate change for Aotearoa New Zealand


Researchers highlight lessons from an emerging climate

On the emergence of unusual, unfamiliar and unknown climates


Congratulations to a successful Climathon 2016

Wellington is a great city with potential to mobilise public support for climate change adaptation


Vision Mātauraga Scholarships at Otago University

Two Masters scholarships available to aid Māori in adapting to climate change


Why is the Deep South Challenge interested in Jamie’s World?!

Rhian Salmon explores the relationship between Jamie and the Deep South Challenge


Jamie's World heads to Antarctica

Highlighting the impacts of climate change for a new generation of decision makers


Latest Deep South Challenge Newsletter

Staff updates, news and research projects


Deep South Challenge Vision Mātauranga scholarships

$20,000 each to support two Masters projects


Science Leadership Team – Expressions of Interest

Join the Deep South's Processes and Observations programme


Climathon - a global event to solve local issues

Finding ways for Wellington to adapt to climate change


Preparing to launch: Impacts and Implications Programme

Gearing up with a recent researcher workshop and new science lead


The Deep South gets a nod in Nature

We've been featured this month in a supplement of the top science journal Nature


New Director for Deep South Challenge

Introducing Dr Mike Williams and Dr Suzi Kerr


Deep South supports Climate and Business Conference

Adaptation, finance, business strategies and carbon markets


Discovering an Antarctic world

An exhibition for understanding climate science in Antarctica


Discovering Māori Antarctic stories

Associate Professor Sandy Morrison will be leading research on iwi relationships with the Antarctic and Southern Ocean


Back to school – Antarctic style

Susan Livengood shares about her time at the New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute’s Winter School


New funding for Deep South National Science Challenge

Seven new scientific research projects to help New Zealanders better understand their future climate


Studio Antarctica: Gabby O'Connor

Photography, painting, drawing, video and sculptural work to convey science in Antarctica


Where to from here? Impacts and Implications Programme Webinar

Professor Dave Frame and Dr Daniel Rutledge introduce our Impacts and Implications programme


Wai O Papa/Waterlands Exhibition

Exploring how sea level rise might act as a catalyst for restoration


Call for expressions of interest for Science Leadership Team member

Join our Impacts and Implications Programme team


Deep South Challenge Contestable Funding - Request for Proposals

Our first Contestable Funding round is now open


How to get involved with the Deep South Engagement Programme

Currently seeking talented people and potential projects that can help turn our vision into a reality


Public talk: Navigating climate change - communication and politics

Harnessing the power of communication and creativity to effectively discuss climate change


Deep South Challenge Engagement programme – update

Improving New Zealanders’ ability to make decisions informed by climate research


Deep South National Science Challenge signals its first Contestable Funding Round

Support for research that will inform climate change decisions for Aotearoa


Deep South National Science Challenge projects confirmed

Six research projects funded to aid in understanding our future climate


Community Climate Change Forum – Central Otago

An opportunity for the Central Otago community to discuss the issue of climate change


New Zealand Climate Change Engagement Survey

Share the climate change engagement activities that your organisation conducts


Vision Mātauranga Science Projects request for proposals

Seeking proposals that will contribute transformative research outcomes for Māori


Is extreme weather the new normal?

How should the country respond to what’s happening and prepare for what’s yet to come?


Deep South National Science Challenge Newsletter

Officially launching the Deep South National Science Challenge
