
Vision Mātauraga Scholarships at Otago University

Ohau River aerial view

In collaboration with the University of Otago Division of Sciences, the Deep South Challenge’s Vision Mātauranga science programme is offering two Master’s Scholarships.

The scholarships have been established to build cross-disciplinary research capability and capacity in global change studies to help meet the emerging demands of increasingly complex social, economic, political and bio-physical system changes facing Māori and wider Aotearoa/New Zealand society. Projects are sought that will contribute to the following four research themes:

Theme 1

Understanding climate change – linkages, pressure points and potential responses

Theme 2

Exploring adaptation options for Māori communities

Theme 3

Assistance to Māori businesses to aid decision-making and long-term sustainability

Theme 4

Products, services and systems derived from mātauranga Māori*

* Includes: Te Reo Māori and Tikanga MāoriFor more information including the application process please visit the Otago University Scholarships page