
New infosheet launched: Ocean data to support adaptation


We’re pleased to share our newest infosheet, Ocean data to support adaptation. Designed for use by anyone interested in biophysical climate projections of the future ocean around Aotearoa. If, for example, you are interested or involved in marine spatial planning, marine primary industries, or research into the impacts of climate change on the takutai moana, marine species and distributions, this infosheet will help you navigate data produced by the Deep South Challenge.

These data could be used:

  • to assess the impact of climate change on the viability of potential aquaculture sites, and marine spatial planning
  • to compare relative stressors on particular marine species
  • to analyse climate-related risks to fisheries and aquaculture businesses
  • for research purposes: e.g. Predicting the effects of climate change on deep-water coral distribution around New Zealand.

We’ve found these data useful for predicting the water temperature at our existing aquaculture sites and for providing guidance into siting new farms… Being able to predict water temperatures over the lifetime of a resource consent ensures that the site will not become too warm to farm as the climate changes.

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