He Karanga: Research funding for Māori

A message from the Kāhui Māori of the Deep South Challenge 

We recognise the deep knowledge, skills and experience that Māori communities possess to adapt to the changes occurring within our environment and communities as a result of climate change. 

Historical experience has proven that upholding mātauranga and tikanga Māori, while embracing the benefits of other knowledge systems, allows us to reinterpret, adapt and strengthen ourselves in a world that is forever in motion. 

The Kāhui wishes to keep these fires burning. We have a responsibility and an obligation to Ahi kā, Ahi tere, Ahi taitai, Ahi tahutahu, Ahi whakaene, Ahi kōmau, Ahi hinu, Ahi Kōpae, Ahi kāroa. We want to support the work Māori are already undertaking not just to survive, but to flourish and thrive against a background of broader social and global changes. 

With the release of our two new funding initiatives, Te Aho and Te Taura (totalling $1.45M), our goal is to support organic, creative, innovative and Māori responses to the impacts of climate change. These initiatives have been developed in recognition of the diversity of experience, knowledge and responses to climate change across and within ngā iwi and hāpori Māori.

Please note: Both our funding rounds have now closed. Please see below for key dates.

Funding process

Both Te Aho and Te Taura will follow a two-step process: 

Step 1: You submit your research idea as an “Expression of Interest” (don’t wait until the deadline! Submit early so we can get in touch if we have questions)

Step 2: An invitation to provide a full proposal through a Request for Proposal (you’ll be invited if your idea is within our scope)

About this funding 

Click on the questions below for some quick fire answers to common pātai:

What kinds of climate adaptation research projects are you looking for?

We’re looking for projects that support mātauranga and rangatiratanga in relation to our changing climate. We also encourage projects that will help you to understand, assess and respond to climate risks that are important/relevant to you. Please have a look at these Kaupapa Rangahau: potential focus areas. We encourage research that speaks to these gaps, but we don’t want you to feel limited by these ideas. If you have an idea about climate adaptation research, please submit an Expression of Interest.

You can download and print these research priorities here:

Mātauranga and our changing climate
Drawing on mātauranga to activate, grow and pass on climate knowledges
Te Reo Māori and climate change
Language revitalisation in the context of climate change
Resilience and well-being
Community cohesion, identity, attachment, wairua and well-being in the face of future displacement, trauma and urbanisation. An ethic of restoration for future generations.
Tikanga for planning and decision making
Mana, kawa, tikanga, ritenga
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Te Tiriti implications and Tikanga Māori in relation to managed retreat (Including: national fund for managed retreat, and the proposed Natural and Built Environments Act, Strategic Planning Act and Climate Change Adaptation Act)
Tino Rangatiratanga: Leadership and autonomy
Governance for climate adaptation
Constitutional transformation in the context of climate change
He Atua
Legal personhood for atua and tūpuna Māori in the context of climate change: Could a “law of Ranginui, Papatūānuku and Tangaroa/Hinemoana” support climate action and adaptation in Aotearoa?
Decolonising climate action and adaptation
Indigenising policy and action; Mana wāhine and climate policy and action; Supporting rangatahi to advocate for Māori rights & responsibilities
He kai kei aku ringa
Food security and food sovereignty in relation to future climate crisis and future land-use changes likely under climate change
Local government: Barriers and opportunities
Research that identifies effective strategies and responses to support iwi and hapū to be self-determining adapting to climate change, within (or in spite of) existing local government legislative infrastructure
Ecosystem impacts and restoration
Impacts on and restoration of our ecosystems (terrestrial, freshwater and coastal-marine domains) and taonga species
The Māori economy
The Māori economy is heavily dependent on the natural environment. How exposed is it to climate change? How can pākihi Māori, hapū/iwi trusts, Māori entrepreneurs, artists, and weavers etc, adapt? 
Financial risks for the Māori economy
Implications for Māori agents such as Māori holding corporations, pākihi Māori, hapū/iwi trusts and incorporations of the Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosure and Other Matters) Act
Cultural heritage
Risks to marae, wāhi tapu, wāhi tīpuna and other cultural heritage due to ongoing sea-level rise, extreme weather events and wildfire
The built environment
Assessing and addressing risk to infrastructure important to Māori including: drinking water supplies; wastewater and stormwater systems; transport networks; emergency management systems 
Just transitions
Principles and policy behind a just transition from a Māori perspective: understanding & supporting Māori to shift from carbon-intensive industries; understanding & supporting Māori landowners to reduce or eliminate carbon emissions

Why are you releasing two different funds? What’s the difference between Te Taura and Te Aho?

Whānau, hapū and iwi have told us clearly that climate research funding needs to support communities who are taking action now to protect themselves against climate change.

Our Te Aho fund aims to support action research (hands-on, on the ground research). Te Aho funds don’t require you to be affiliated to a university, Crown Research Institute, or other research organisations. Te Taura research funding is targeted towards larger research collaborations between communities and research organisations.

Te Taura has a focus on impact at a larger scale: regionally or nationally.  Please take a look at this Te Aho and Te Taura table to get a sense of the similarities and the differences between our two funding streams:

How will you decide which projects are successful in getting funded?

The assessment criteria for Te Aho and Te Taura are listed in this document. They are quite different from previous assessment criteria we have used before. We are trying to do things differently, in order to support whānau, hapū and iwi to achieve their own research aspirations. Have a look at the assessment criteria and if you are unsure about what they might mean for you and your project, please get in touch.

How will we “report” on our research? Can we report using mātauranga Māori methods?

Yes! We strongly encourage research that generates and transmits knowledge within te ao Māori. This means you don’t necessarily need to write an English-language research report or journal article, unless you identify that this will have an impact for your community. You can report on your research in oral and physical ways, and you can also report in/on your own whenua. Whatever your research outputs might be, they should be designed to meet the needs of your community. See this Te Aho and Te Taura table for more information about reporting.

What will the Request for Proposal (RfP) involve?

If your research idea is within scope, we will invite you to submit a full research proposal. This will be a more in-depth submission and will encourage your team to think through your research methods and to articulate your research outputs in concrete terms.

What questions are in the EOI application form?

  • Your email
Tēnā whakamāramatia mai, nō hea koutou, ko wai koutou?
  • Your name
  • Your hapū / iwi
  • Your phone number
  • Your hāpori / rōpu / institution / organisation
  • What fund are you applying for?
  • Key members of your rōpū or research team We’re interested in the range of skills, experience and knowledges you might activate. Limit 100 words.
  • Which community do you intend will benefit most from this research? For example, the name of the marae, papakāinga, hāpori, hapū or iwi where your research will be grounded. If your research is regional or national in focus, please give details.
  • What is your main kaupapa, in relation to this climate research funding round? In later questions, you’ll have an opportunity to describe your project in more detail. Here, please provide a short summary or high-level perspective of your main kaupapa.
  • Does this kaupapa speak to one or more of the focus areas and priorities? Please see our guidelines for more information. If it doesn’t, we’d still like to hear from you.
Diving deeper: Gathering information about your proposed research
  • What are your (or your community’s) moemoeā or aspirations in relation to this research? We are interested in how your research might support climate resilience, wellbeing, and community or national transformation. Limit 200 words.
  • What are your potential research goals and potential outcomes? Please number these goals/outcomes (and provide anywhere from 1 to 3 or 4 goals). Limit 200 words.
  • In relation to your research goals, which of the following statements best describes your team or rōpū?
    • We’re feeling confident with our proposed research and will be ready to submit an RFP if/when invited
    • We’re reasonably confident with our proposed research, but still need to work through some of the details
    • We’re still working through our potential research goals
    • We’re just at the conceptualisation phase
    • Other
  • Please describe how mātauranga Māori might be activated through your research. If your project may also use or blend other science methods, please give details. What steps will be involved in undertaking and completing your project. Limit 200 words.
  • Indicative budget

He aha ngā pātai i roto i te <strong>kīanga puaki whitawhita</strong>?

  • Tō īmēra
Tēnā whakamāramatia mai, nō hea koutou, ko wai mā koutou?
  • Tōu ingoa
  • Tō hapū / iwi
  • Tō nama waea
  • Tō hapori / rōpū / whare mahi / ohu mahi
  • Ko tēhea pūtea e tonoa nei?
  • Ngā mema pū o tō ohu o tō rōpū rangahau rānei E ngana nei kia mohio ake he aha rā ngā pūkenga, whēako me ngā mātauranga tērā e hihiko ai. Kia 100 pū ngā kupu whakautu.
  • Ko tēhea hapori ka whiwhi hua rawa i tēnei rangahau? Arā, te ingoa marae, papakāinga, hapori, hapū, iwi rānei kei reira nei tō rangahau e tau ana. Mehemea he aronga rangahau whānui ā rohe, whānui ā motu rānei; tēnā koa whākina mai ōna taipitopito.
  • He aha nei tō kaupapa matua e whaipānga ana ki te wātaka pūtea rangahau panoni āhuarangi nei? Taihoa iho kei ngā uiui e whiwhi wā ai koe ki te tuhi whakaahua mai i tō kaupapa kia taipitopito ake. Tēnā mai koa he whakarāpopototanga, he tuhinga kounga whakataurite mō tō kaupapa matua.
  • Whai tikanga tonu te kaupapa nei ki tētahi, ētahi rānei o ngā aronga matua? Tirohia ngā ara tohutohu mō ngā whakamārama. Ki te kore e whai tikanga, nei ka hiahia kia rongo tonu atu i a koe
Ruku hōhonu: Kohikohi whakamārama e pā ana ki tāu tūtohi rangahau
  • He aha nei ō moemoeā, ngā wawata me ngā manako rānei o tō hapori e pā ana ki tēnei rangahau? E ngana nei kia mōhio ake pēhea rā te tautoko a tō rangahau kia toitū tonu ai te āhuarangi,  te hauora, te whakawhanake ā hapori ā motu rānei. Kia 200 kupu pū hei whakautu.
  • He aha nei ngā whāinga pito mata a tō rangahau me ngā hua ka puta? Tohua kia tatauria mai ngā whāinga/putanga (kia 1 ki te 3 ki te 4 rānei whāinga) kia 200 kupu pū hei whakautu.
  • I te whaipānga o ngā whāinga rangahau, ko tēhea o ēnei rerenga kupu e hāngai nei hei whakaahua i tō ohu, tō rōpū rānei:
    • E  tino māia nei mātou ki tā mātou tūtohi rangahau otirā tērā e rite mō te tuku tono pūtea rangahau inā karangatia.
    • E āhua māia nei mātou ki tā mātou tūtohi rangahau, engari me whakarite tonu ake i ētahi taipitopito.
    • E whakatau tonu ana mātou i ō mātou whāinga rangahau pito mata.
    • E whakahuatau tonu ana mātou.
    • Arā noa atu.
  • Me kupu whakaahua mai i te pēheatanga o te matāuranga māori e hihiko ai i tō rangahau. Mēnā he ritenga pūtaiao kē hei whenumi mai, whākina mai. Mēnā e pūrangiaho ana tō tukanga rangahau ki a koe, tēnā tukua mai ngā whakamārama whānui tonu. Kia 200 kupu pū.
  • Tahua tūtohu

Can I download the EoI form as a Word document?

Yes, you can download these forms in Word. However, we strongly encourage you to submit your answers using GoogleForm (below).

More FAQs (these are updated weekly!)

Do we have to partner with a mainstream institution to apply for Te Taura?

No! Not at all. It may be more likely that Te Taura applications involve relationships or collaborations with either universities or CRIs. However, it’s by no means a criteria for Te Taura applications. We want to encourage research collaborations that are meaningful and that support kaupapa Māori research and the vision you have for your rangahau.

Can we apply for both Te Aho and Te Taura? Can we submit multiple EoIs?

Yes, we’re happy for you to submit multiple EoIs. And yes, we’re happy for you to apply to both research funds. In both cases, please take the process seriously and think carefully about your kaupapa, your capacity and your research goals. Please submit your best applications, so we get a real sense of your priorities and your readiness to undertake research. We also strongly encourage members of the same iwi to work together. Multiple applications from members of the same iwi on the same kaupapa will be difficult for us to assess.

Can Councils apply for this funding, in partnership with iwi?

Strictly speaking, no. This funding is for kaupapa Māori research that is by Māori and for the benefit of Māori communities. However, if iwi want to pursue research that involves or requires Council input (such as research, engagement, data provision, etc.), these kinds of projects are definitely “in-scope”. We would hope that Councils provide in-kind funding, for example through staff resource. We won’t fund roles or contributions to projects where these are already funded as part of the everyday business of Councils.

How will the total pool of funding be allocated? Will it be equitably shared across the motu?

The Challenge’s final decisions will depend on the range and nature of all the project ideas that are submitted. We have limited funding. We may choose to fund across different geographic areas. Or, if there is a strong case that research in only a few rohe is likely to bring significant benefits nationally, we might invest in only a few geographic areas. Regardless, we encourage you to submit your best research ideas.

Are the project start and end dates strict? 

The end dates for these projects are strict, yes. The Deep South Challenge is only funded until June 2024. All research projects must be finished by February 2024, in order to ensure we can do the best post-project engagement possible. The long timeframes for assessing and contracting projects reflect our experience in how long it can take to contract with multiple partners, and also take into account delays in research. But these timeframes are not targets – if there are no problems with contracting, projects can begin as soon as they are ready. 

Do I need to know the exact cost of the project for the EoI?

For the EoI we only ask you to give us an indication of the total project cost. The full breakdown and detail of the project budgets will be worked through in the full RfP and we will provide you with detailed guidance notes to support you to create a detailed budget that meets the needs of your project. 

Is there a minimum time-frame for projects? 

A key part of our funding decisions will be ensuring that the timeline and budget you propose is suitable for the scope and nature of the project. We would expect projects to take anywhere between six to 18 months, but we will provide more detailed guidance during the RfP process. 

Can we get funding to create a final product, like a book, a handbook, a documentary or a board game? 

Our research funding supports knowledge gathering and knowledge generation. A product, such as a book, may well be a vital output from the research, and a natural response to your research findings. You can allocate some of your budget to supporting these kinds of outputs. We want your research to be useful and usable, both for your own community and for other communities. Please do keep in mind, however, that the research itself is the main game.

Can non-Māori researchers apply?

As this funding is for the benefit of Māori communities, we expect Māori research teams and/or Māori communities to be leading and driving research projects. Some teams may include Pākehā or tauiwi researchers who bring specific expertise, but this fund is to support research that is by Māori, for Māori.

We would like some specific expertise/science input into our project, but we’re not sure who to approach, can you help?

In developing your EoI you can identify areas where you might want some external support or a specific set of skills. We may be able to help connect you with scientists or other expertise to help you with your project.

Are scholarships available?

We encourage projects to consider the opportunities for growing the next generation of researchers. There is scholarship funding available and we will discuss the process for distribution of scholarships with project teams. At this stage, please indicate on your EoI if you have a potential scholarship student within your project, or would like to support one. 

Kaupapa specific: Will you fund projects that focus on…
  • Climate adaptation strategies
  • Pest control
  • Health
  • Our marine area

All these projects are in scope, but the focus of the activities must have research and climate change at the centre of the project. By “research,” we are referring to the processes of knowledge/mātauranga creation, application and/or transmission. In terms of climate change, we are taking a broad approach, i.e. climate justice, resilience relationality with te taiao. That could include kaupapa that are not specifically ‘climate focused’ but are important interventions to climate impacts. As above, the output (such as a climate change strategy) is a response to the research findings, rather than the primary focus itself.

How important is it for us to partner or collaborate with other groups or organisations? Is the kāhui able to suggest or recommend potential partners (and/or make introductions) if we don’t already have any?

There is no requirement to partner with anyone else, but for many projects it will make sense to work collaboratively, or to utilise/access data or expertise that is held with others (for example, local or regional councils). If you don’t already have research partners lined up, but have an idea of what your needs might be, we may be able to identify potential researchers or existing data that could support your project. Please ask if so! It will depend on your kaupapa, so we encourage you to get in touch with our engagement team early.

Is specific climate language required in the EOI?

E Kao! The first part of this process should feel like a conversation or dialogue, so we encourage plain language applications that get to the heart of your project – i.e. why the research/rangahau is needed, what the project will involve, and how it will benefit or impact the community or people you are working with/on behalf of. You do need to demonstrate that your project is responding to a need/gap/opportunity in relation to the causes or impacts of climate change (in fact, this is key to presenting a strong proposal). But! we acknowledge that a genuine mātauranga Māori approach does not treat “climate change” as an isolated environmental issue. Strong EOIs will clearly articulate the connection between your project goals and outcomes, and the causes and impacts of climate change, whether they be environmental, physical, cultural, spiritual, social, political, legislative, health, justice etc etc. And don’t forget that you can submit your application in te reo Māori!

Do we need to have “qualified” researchers involved in our project?

Not everyone who applies will be immersed in formal academic research landscapes, and we recognise that mātauranga is held by kaumātua and haukāinga, whose knowledge and research experience is embedded in (and springs from) a physical place as opposed to an institution. We do, however, encourage you to think about how your project may build on or connect with other relevant research that may already exist in relation to your kaupapa. This will be one of the areas explored during the RFP stage. If you are unsure of what research might exist in your area feel free to reach out. You can also look at our website to see the kinds of projects that have been funded in the past.

Does the funding have more of a community focus, or is it of equal value to work with Māori Trusts/Incorporations etc?

The funding is intended to support research projects that are clearly able to link the issues and outcomes for a given group (whether that be a whānau, community, trust, or incorporation).. The research should have an impact on that group and we encourage you to look at the assessment criteria (on this page) for more detail around assessment.

You have asked for early applications so that the kāhui can ask pātai of the research if needed. Is it advantageous to put in an early EOI before all the research partnerships are in place, or wait until closer to the deadline when the research has been better finalised with partners?

We do encourage early applications if you feel your project proposal is established and ready. We will only get in touch with you if we think your EOI would benefit from additional information, or if something is unclear. If you already know that you have gaps, it would pay to wait to submit an EOI until you have as much information as possible. 

Are there particular things the funding can’t be spent on?

We will be releasing a more detailed guide to help you formulate the detail of your budget (including exclusions) prior to the RFP deadline.

Do you anticipate heavy subscription to the fund? What is the total funding pool and number of applications you are looking to fund?

Our total pool of available funding is $1.4m and we do expect to receive a high number of EOIs. However, each project will be assessed on its own merits, and there is no cap on the number of projects we are able to fund, only on the total pool itself.

Can I watch a video about this?

Yes you can. Here’s a recording of a conversation hosted by Nadine Hura, Naomi Simmonds with community members interested in applying for Te Taura and Te Aho funding.

Key dates

  • EOIs for both Te Taura and Te Aho open on June 1, 2021
  • EoIs close on different dates:
    • Te Taura EoIs close July 15, 2021, teams notified by August 1, 2021
    • Te Aho EoIs close September 1, 2021, teams notified by September 18, 2021 (slightly extended)

More questions?

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have more questions or would like us to visit your rohe. Contact our Kaitakawaenga: Nadine Hura or Naomi Simmonds.

If you would like to speak with one of our Kāhui Māori members, please contact: Sandy Morrison (Programme Leader).

“Kōtuia ki te aho rangahau kia mau ai,
whiria te taura mātauranga kia ita”

Sew with the thread of research to maintain, plait the rope of ancestral knowledge to tightly bind and sustain.

Drop-in Zoom 1: Te Taura

We encourage all research teams considering a Te Taura application to come along. We will run these in a “meeting” format, so everyone can see each other’s faces, and hopefully build connections. Perhaps these connections may also lead to research collaborations.

Find out more about Te Taura and Te Aho research funds here.

NOTE: EoIs for Te Taura close July 15

Drop-in Zoom 2: Te Aho

Please come along to this Zoom session to talk with us and with other research teams hoping to undertake climate adaptation research, including action research.

In this session, we’ll also take whānau through the Te Aho EoI form, to explain and explore what we hope to learn about your project with each question.

Find out more about Te Taura and Te Aho research funds here.

NOTE: EoIs for Te Aho close September 1

Growing Kai Under Increasing Dry

Landscape of a farmer

A rolling symposium on on drought, climate change and primary sector resilience

Landscape of a farmer

What is a rolling symposium? Three short background webinars, bringing you the latest in climate projections, drought resilience research and land-use science, culminating in an all-day event to generate evidence-based conversation around future drought policy.

Programme for the full-day event:

Register for the all-day event here:

Catch up on the three background videos on YouTube here:

Image tiles describing the 3 webinars

Background information

Over the past few years, the Deep South Challenge, Resilience Challenge and Our Land and Water National Science Challenges, along with several other NZ funded science programmes, have funded research projects that focus on drought and its impacts.

Growing Kai Under Increasing Dry will bring together the latest in climate modelling and adaptation research with farmers, growers and policymakers to better understand how Aotearoa can adapt to our ‘new normal’.

With three background webinars prefacing the symposium, we hope the event itself will create a platform to understand the risks and devise potential solutions.

The capacity of communities to plan for and respond to adverse events plays a part in shaping the resilience within rural communities and helps determine the type of support they may need in recovery.

Recent ministerial briefing 

Come and join us online or in person to be part of this future-focused conversation. Please note:

  • The venue has a limited capacity and is following strict contact tracing protocols  all attendees must be registered.
  • Registration for all of our webinars and the face to face symposium is free.
  • The symposium will be catered.
  • The symposium will also be live streamed for those that cannot attend in person.
Logo array for The Deep South, Resilience to Nature's Challenges, and Our Land and Water National Science Challenges

Future drought could drain primary sector profit

New research by the Deep South Challenge and Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, with the support of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, finds a strong relationship between more intense future drought and drops in farm profit.

In the year 2100, our 10-year-old children will be 90 years old. Their children – our grandchildren – will be managing farms in a far more tricky climate than we have to negotiate today. Year on year drought is still uncommon in Aotearoa, giving farmers opportunities to recover – financially, mentally and environmentally. But uncontrolled climate change is likely to bring somewhat more severe and far more frequent drought.

This research draws on 70,000 tax returns and temperature and soil moisture data, to understand the historical relationship between local weather and farm profits in both the dairy and sheep+beef industries. Controlling for prices and farm management, the research shows a clear effect. Extrapolating on the clear relationship, future climate change scenarios were tested to understand how much future farm profit might be under pressure, due to reduced soil moisture and increased temperatures.

Under a high climate change scenario (RCP8.5) – the pathway representing little climate action and high economic growth – sheep and beef farmers could see a profit loss of up to 54% by the end of the century, subject to a high degree of uncertainty. Analysis suggests that sheep and beef farms are vulnerable to high temperatures as well as soil moisture loss, while dairy shows an unclear effect of high temperatures, but is clearly sensitive to soil moisture loss (according to this modelling).

Looking only at changes in soil moisture, both dairy and sheep and beef show a decrease in profit by 2100 (an average of 20% for dairy and 7% for sheep and beef). 

A more moderate climate change scenario (RCP4.5) suggests – unsurprisingly – more moderate losses  considering soil moisture changes alone.

Manaaki Whenua research co-lead, Dr Kendon Bell, notes that one potential use of these results is to better understand how climate change might encourage farmers and growers to implement adaptation measures, or even to change what they farm and where. Due to large capital investments, it’s difficult for farmers to change the way they use their land. And the creeping pace of climate change will not likely force land-use change in the near future. Yet this research suggests that land-use change should at least be on the cards in some places.

“However,” Kenny continues, “what’s important is the relative attractiveness of animal versus other land uses. To gain a full understanding of how climate change might affect land-use pressures, we require profit-weather functions for all relevant land uses, in addition to those provided here for dairy and sheep and beef.”

Kenny continues, “Given that animal agriculture is a major contributor to both climate change and water pollution, understanding the extent to which climate change might affect this baseline over time is important for policy considerations over the coming decades.”

“Understanding the scale of the expected impacts of climate change across all sectors is key for central government when considering future budgets for adaptation support. If, as a hypothetical example, the scale of expected net damages to agriculture was 1% of the expected net harm to human health, it would be difficult to justify putting 50% of central government’s adaptation budget into agriculture. However, these quantitative comparisons are not yet straightforward, because the underlying quantitative studies have not yet been executed across all sectors.”

Further analysis, led by Lynn Riggs of Motu Economic Policy and Research, examined the impact of past, present and future drought on employment. Overall, the relationship between drought and employment in New Zealand appears to be complicated, with soil moisture and temperature having different and sometimes offsetting effects within and across industries. Dairy shows the strongest correlation, with the relationship between monthly soil moisture and monthly employment consistently showing up as strong and positive.

In New Zealand, there is very little research about the implications of climate change for society using approaches that measure the historical relationship between weather conditions and economic and social outcomes. This research is among the first to do so. Rural communities may bear a large share of the burden of reducing emissions and our job here has been to try and understand, using real financial data, the size of the additional burden (or benefit) that climate change might impose.

ON Tuesday 18 May, at 11am, Kenny Bell will be presenting a zoom webinar about these results – part of an ongoing Rolling Symposium on Drought: “Growing Kai under Increasing Dry.” We invite interested journalists to first attend the webinar. Register via EventBrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/2-drought-and-the-changing-climate-farm-profits-and-community-resilience-registration-150644741477

Webinar 3 | What to grow and where?

A rolling symposium on drought, climate change and primary sector resilience

In this webinar, researchers will look at what changes need to be made in the policy and decision making space.

This webinar investigates the effect the projected changes in climate might have on land use suitability and decision-making in the future – in particular what are the implications of future drought?

What will it mean for farmers and growers – what are the limitations and opportunities that may present themselves with this changing climate?

We will also explore how planning, policy, data and decision-making could be informed by mātauranga Māori and include social and cultural indicators of wellbeing.

What is a rolling symposium? 

Three short background webinars, bringing you the latest in climate projections, drought resilience research and land-use science, culminating in an all-day event to generate evidence-based conversation around future drought policy.

Registrations for all three webinars and the all-day event are now open:

Webinar 1 | The future for farmers and growers Deep South Challenge

Webinar 2 | Farm profits and community resilience

A rolling symposium on drought, climate change and primary sector resilience

In this webinar, researchers look at the social, economic and cultural impacts of drought in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The concept of ‘resilience’ has recently gained traction in a range of contexts. Its various interpretations and framings are now used to examine a variety of issues, particularly relating to the human dimensions of global change.

In Aotearoa, resilience concepts are used by researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, to prepare for, recover from, and better understand the impacts of climate variability and extremes. For the most part, resilience focuses on change: it includes the ability of a system to maintain its current state despite disturbances, its ability to adapt, and to transform. Resilience covers both stability and change, and often involves identifying what enables farms, individuals or industries to cope – or not – with the impact of a shock.

What is a rolling symposium? 

Three short background webinars, bringing you the latest in climate projections, drought resilience research and land-use science, culminating in an all-day event to generate evidence-based conversation around future drought policy.

Registrations for all three webinars and the all-day event are now open:

Webinar 1 | The future for farmers and growers Deep South Challenge

Webinar 1 | The future for farmers and growers

A rolling symposium on drought, climate change and primary sector resilience

This webinar, the first of three in our Rolling Symposium on Drought and the Changing Climate, will cover the most recent drought projections. It will take you through how drought is modelled, will cover projections out to the end of this century, and will explain how the science has progressed.

The webinar will also cover the quickly changing science of extreme weather modelling. This form of climate modelling investigates the fraction exteme events (like drought) that can be attributed to climate change, and estimates how much climate change is costing us.

Information and projections like this form the basis of guidance and planning at both regional and national levels and provides an insight for farmers, growers and policy makers into a future of more severe drought.

What is a rolling symposium? 

Three short background webinars, bringing you the latest in climate projections, drought resilience research and land-use science, culminating in an all-day event to generate evidence-based conversation around future drought policy.

Registrations for all three webinars and the all-day event are now open:

Logo array for The Deep South, Resilience to Nature's Challenges, and Our Land and Water National Science Challenges

DSC Submission to the Climate Change Commission (2021)

Flooding and rain at a bridge

The Deep South Challenge (DSC) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Climate Change Commission’s (CCC) Draft Advice for Consultation. The DSC’s mission is to enable New Zealanders to anticipate, adapt, manage risk and thrive in a changing climate, and therefore our focus is on adaptation to climate change.

We would like to emphasise that adaptation needs to be considered alongside mitigation. Considering both together will help ensure that policy and investment decisions do not impede upon on Aotearoa’s ability to adapt to climate change and provide an opportunity for building resilience to climate change as we decarbonise the economy.

We note that the majority of the CCC’s advice is concerned with mitigation, but we welcome the limited recommendations around adaptation and would like to provide some further comments regarding these.

We strongly support the recommendation of avoiding “overshoot” in the emissions scenarios, as overshooting is expected to raise adaptation costs, and importantly make adaptation more challenging. We are unclear if the emission costs of adaptation have been considered in the emissions budget. While there are anticipated co-benefits, adaptation may also cause an initial increase in emissions e.g., from the construction of new infrastructure. Where this is the case it should be noted this requires further emission reductions from other sectors for the proposed budgets to be met.

Without effective mitigation in both Aotearoa and globally, adaptation becomes increasingly urgent, painful, and costly. DSC funded research starkly demonstrates the implications of high temperature increases across systems, communities and the economy. For example, $135 billion worth of buildings are potentially exposed to fluvial and pluvial flooding (Paulik et al. 2019). Thirty centimetres of sea level rise (foreseeable in the next 30 years) would expose $18.49 billion worth of buildings around New Zealand to coastal flooding, 2,000 km of roads, 112 km of railway tracks, 4,000 km of water pipelines, 1,600 km2 of agricultural land and 14 domestic / international airports would also be exposed (Paulik et al. 2020). This may lead to “insurance retreat”, where with a 1% probability of coastal inundation exposed homes in Wellington and Christchurch are expected to face a partial insurance retreat from 2030, with homes in similarly exposed locations in Auckland and Dunedin following only a few years later (Storey et al. 2020). Who bears this cost is yet to be decided.

Already, communities are struggling with their current exposure to extreme events such as flooding (e.g. Stephenson 2020). Other research demonstrates the inequalities already currently occurring in climate change adaptation (Ellis 2018). This threatens the notion of a “just transition”, exacerbates existing inequalities, and is only likely to increase as climate change affects more communities.

We support the enabling recommendation 2: To coordinate efforts to address climate change across Government, particularly a multi-agency appropriation which consolidates existing and future government funding for core climate change mitigation and adaptation activities. DSC research with local government and communities identified the need for centralised Government action on climate change (both adaptation and mitigation) (Barth and Vincent 2018). DSC research has identified the existence of “cascading impacts” of climate change that propagate throughout the economy and across sectors (Lawrence et al. 2020), which may be anticipated be reduced and/or better managed if there was a coordinated approach.

Similarly, we support Enabling Recommendation 4: Align legislation and policy to enable local government to make effective decisions for climate change mitigation and adaptation. DSC research has illustrated the contradictions and liabilities inherent in the current legislative environment, disempower local authorities from making effective long-term adaptation decisions (James et al. 2020.; Iorns Magallenes et al. 2019).

We note with respect to Necessary Action 4; Maximise the use of electricity as a low emissions fuel, that Aotearoa will need to become increasing dependent on renewable electricity. The DSC is supporting a research project examining the impact the climate change on the New Zealand energy system, as it is recognised that this is not well modelled across the range of IPCC future emission scenarios (led by Dr Jen Purdie, University of Otago). This project aims to model climate impacts on the entire energy system out to at least 2050, including climate projections; scenario changes to electricity demand from decarbonisation; and anticipated load changes from irrigation pumping, heating and air conditioning.

We emphasise the importance of considering adaptation in Necessary Action 10: To ensure that urban planning does not create greater exposure and vulnerability to infrastructure in future. DSC research highlights the ways that a changing climate and increasing severity and frequency of extremes will affect critical infrastructure (Hughes et al. 2019, 2020), including drinking water (Kamish et al. 2020).

DSC research (past and current) can provide insights into Necessary Action 11: Create options for alternative farming systems and practices. Completed projects include an analysis of capturing climate uncertainty in the construction of water storage for agricultural production (Wreford et al. under review), and an exploration of the suitability of land uses under climate change (Ausseil et al. 2019) – which is continuing in a second phase, co-funded with the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge. Other current projects include a transdisciplinary project examining the impacts of climate change, adaptation options, and the costs and timing of action in the dairy sector (led by Anita Wreford, Lincoln University), and a project developing adaptation planning and processes in the wine sector (led by Nick Cradock-Henry, Manaaki-Whenua Landcare Research).

In conclusion the Deep South Challenge is keen to continue collaborating with the Climate Change Commission. We invite you to look at our recently refreshed website and welcome the opportunity to discuss both the research outlined above and our wider portfolio of research.