- AUTHORVision Mātauranga Science Projects request for proposals
- August 20 2015
Vision Mātauranga Science Projects request for proposals

Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā!
Hei ngā maunga, hei ngā reo, hei ngā iwi, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa. Tēnā koutou i ō tātou aituā maha e hinga atu nā, e takoto mai rā i ō tātou marae. Koutou te hunga para i te huarahi, haere koutou. Hoki atu ki te okiokinga mō te tangata i te wāhi ngaro. Tātou e takatū tonu nei hei urupā mō rātou, tēnā anō tātou katoa.
Tēnei mātou a Taihoro Nukurangi, a NIWA e korihi nei, e mihi kau atu ki ngā tōpito e whā, ki ngā tini kārangatanga maha, ki ngā whare wānanga otiiā ngā wāhi mahi rangahau puta noa i te motu.
Nau mai, haere mai ki tō tātou kaupapa, e kiiā nei ko te `Komata o te tonga’, me kī `Deep South’, tētehi o Ngā Wero Pūtaiao-ā-motu. Ko tōna kaupapa matua, ko te wāhanga Pūnaha Hihiko e hāngai pū tonu ki ngā rerekētanga o te āhuarangi me ōna tikanga katoa. Heoti anō rā, he pānui tēnei ki a koutou, he pūtea e wātea ana mō te hunga mātanga rangahau Māori. Nō reira pānuihia mai ngā whakamārama e whai ake nei.
The Deep South National Science Challenge Research and Business Plan was recently approved by the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to deliver upon the Challenge Mission:
This Challenge will enable New Zealanders to adapt, manage risk, and thrive in a changing climate. Working with our communities and industry, we will guide planning and policy to enhance resilience and exploit opportunities. This will be built on improved predictions of future climate, supported by new understanding of Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes. The Challenge will focus on the effects of a changing climate on key climate sensitive economic sectors, infrastructure and natural resources.
Research that is substantive and transformative will be undertaken in the Deep South National Science Challenge across five key programmes:
- Engagement
- Vision Mātauranga
- Impacts and Implications
- Earth System Modelling and Prediction
- Processes and Observations
The Deep South Challenge is now seeking proposals that will contribute transformative research outcomes for Māori and wider Aotearoa/New Zealand through the Science Programme: Vision Mātauranga.
This programme will give effect to the MBIE Vision Mātauranga policy through strategic planning and research. Project proposals will be built around the four research themes identified in the Deep South Challenge Research and Business Plan. These four themes were determined through direct engagement with senior Māori advisors and researchers involved with Māori-specific climate change matters and decision-making. The four research themes are:
- Theme 1: Understanding climate change – linkages, pressure points and potential responses
- Theme 2: Exploring adaptation options for Māori communities
- Theme 3: Assistance to Māori businesses to aid decision-making and long-term sustainability
- Theme 4: Products, services and systems derived from mātauranga Māori*
* Includes: Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori
Please note that potential research projects were identified in the Deep South National Science Challenge Research and Business Plan. These may be used to guide the proposals submitted.
Potential projects will be funded up to a maximum of $250k (excl. GST). It is anticipated that successful applicants will commence their projects on 1 October 2015 or as soon as practicable thereafter, for a period of up to 24 months.
Applications will need to complete the first three documents as listed below. The fourth document is provided to demonstrate how projects will be assessed. Please pass on this information to other investigators involved in your project.