The Deep South gets a nod in Nature
- September 2 2016
The Deep South gets a nod in Nature

The Deep South is featured this month in a supplement of the top science journal Nature. The supplement, Naturejobs Career Guide Asia Pacific, provides a guide for overseas scientists interested in working in New Zealand.
The article describes the opportunities New Zealand offers international scientists and highlights the work of Olaf Morgenstern (pictured above), originally from Germany, who is leading the Deep South’s Earth System Modelling and Prediction Programme.
Olaf, who arrived in New Zealand in 2008, works for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) as a Principal Scientist – Atmosphere and Climate. He has also worked in the development of atmospheric chemistry and chemistry climate models in the UK and Germany, and had obtained his PhD degree in Switzerland.
His work for the Deep South involves working with collaborators to build New Zealand’s first Earth System Model. The model will improve New Zealand’s ability to predict future climates.
Further to this, Olaf is a Principal Investigator of the Clouds and Aerosols project which will improve representation of clouds and their interactions in the Southern Ocean region. He also leads a stratospheric chemistry project which will improve the representation of the ozone layer in the model.
The Deep South has transformed the research landscape in the area of global climate modelling in New Zealand, giving researchers like Olaf new opportunities to develop their work across disciplinary boundaries.