- AUTHORWhere to from here? Impacts and Implications Programme Webinar
- June 15 2016
Where to from here? Impacts and Implications Programme Webinar

Deep South Director Professor Dave Frame joins Dr Daniel Rutledge in a public webinar to introduce the Deep South’s developing Impacts and Implications programme.
A series of public webinars were held early this month to introduce the Deep South’s developing Impacts & Implications Programme.
At least 120 people from 65 stakeholder or researcher organisations participated in the webinars to hear more about the Impacts and Implications programme. The programme will help New Zealanders thrive in a changing climate by bolstering and coordinating New Zealand’s capacity to anticipate potential impacts, understand the implications, and plan and adapt accordingly.
Programme leader Dr Daniel Rutledge said: “We were very pleased with the level of interest and representation from around the country, and with the thoughtful questions and discussion that resulted.”
The webinar began with an introduction to the Deep South National Science Challenge from its Director, Professor Dave Frame. This was followed by an overview of the Deep South’s Impacts & Implications Programme by Dr Daniel Rutledge. Daniel described the programme’s focus on extreme weather events, drought, sea level rise and shifts in temperature, rainfall and wind statistics. He outlined opportunities for funding and partnership.
The webinar format was chosen to maximise the potential for participation by keeping travel costs and time commitment low. It was welcomed by participants who were thankful for the opportunity to participate.
Those unable to participate in the webinar are invited to view a video of the webinar, available here shortly, and a copy of the presentation is at the end of this article. Questions and answers in relation to the webinar are available here.
To register as a potential partner and to find out more about the Impacts and Implications Programme, please send an email to [email protected] and register your interest as follows:
Potential Partner – you want to actively engage in future programme development and potentially become a partner by leading or contributing to a bid to the funds
Representative User – you want to actively engage in and help direct future I&I development on behalf of your community, organisation, industry, iwi, etc. but do not intend at this stage to lead or contribute to a bid to the funds
Updates only – you want to be kept abreast of developments in The Deep South via electronic updates and alerts. Alternatively you can sign up to receive the Challenge newsletter here
Please understand that registering interest as a Potential Partner or Representative User does not guarantee your active participation. As signalled at the webinar, we need to be strategic about how we proceed to achieve balance between our broad remit and resources.