- AUTHORToi Rito, Toi Rangatira: Rangatahi Climate Leadership Programme
Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira: Rangatahi Climate Leadership Programme

“Ruia Taitea, Ruia Taitea, Kia tū ko taikaha anake”
Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira is a 5-month climate adaptation leadership programme for rangatahi Māori working with, or connected to, currently-funded Deep South Research projects. Focused on growing intergenerational capacity, supporting potential, and activating the succession planning of Rangatahi Māori, this program seeks to provide a range of opportunities. It also builds on the obligation to uplift rangatahi to be intergenerational change-makers that ensure ngā mana atua, ngā mana taiao, and ngā mana tāngata are sustained for future generations.
Toi Rito, Toi Rangatahi will support rangatahi Māori who are deeply committed to working with and for hapū climate adapatation research and action. We are inviting our 14 DSC research teams to nominate rangatahi from within their networks who would benefit from contributing to and learning from this programme.
“Climate change is an intergenerational challenge, therefore it requires an intergenerational solution“
The programme is co-led by our Pou Tikanga Ruia Aperahama and Rangatahi Programme Coordinator, Tyra Begbie. The Kaitakawaenga, DSC and Kāhui Māori will provide wrap-around guidance and implementation support. Research teams are asked to provide pastoral support to rangatahi as required and keep in contact with the programme leads should any concerns arise at any point.
What can Rangatahi expect from Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira?
Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira aims to manaaki rangatahi to:
- Stand staunchly in their hapūtanga/iwitanga and support them to advocate for hapū, developing their own unique identity and skills.
- Be immersed in an inspiring environment to learn amongst like-minded people, change-makers, rangatahi Māori, artists, and activists.
- Access opportunities to connect meaningfully and personally with other rangatahi and key leaders within the climate change movement across Aotearoa and internationally.
- Be supported to pursue kaitiakitanga pathways through whare wānanga, higher education, iwi/hapū programmes, scholarships etc.
- Activate indigenous methodologies through creative, curious, innovative, mahi toi explorations (art, writing, poetry, waiata, podcast etc).
- Learn how to navigate confidently and strategically in the climate change sector, leveraging contacts within government, academic, creative and activist/artivist spaces. Demystifying machinery of government and identifying strategic ways to have influence, including access to funding and resources.
- Identify opportunities for higher learning within themselves and being supported to achieve these goals.
- Take personal responsibility and self-care to protect our connections and relationships that have a ripple effect in action.
Programme Overview
There are three core components of Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira:
1) Participation in a monthly online wānanga/workshop
2) A contribution to a collective output to coincide with the conclusion of the programme (such as a magazine, podcast, or other artistic offering). We may share other networking hui or opportunities as they arise, which rangatahi can participate in if desired. The webinar topics and outputs will be designed and developed collectively.
3) Two a-tinana wāngana for the Ruia Taikaha cohort only
Who is Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira for?
There are two cohorts for participation in Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira:
- Ruia Taikaha: For rangatahi committed to the ā-tinana gatherings as well as the online wānanga components. Available places: 14 (one per research team). Rangatahi should have or be willing to establish and maintain a connection to the nominating research team. Commitment: We are asking rangatahi in the Ruia Taikaha cohort to commit to around 6-8 hours per month from December to April, plus two ā-tinana events where full attendance would be expected.
- Ruia Taitea: For rangatahi who are keen to follow the programme remotely through the online wānanga components. Available places: No limit, but rangatahi need to have (or be willing to establish) a connection to the nominating research team. Commitment: No formal commitment required, but we hope that if nominated, rangatahi will actively participate in the online components of Toi Rito. This may suit rangatahi who have limited availability but a desire to take advantage of the networks and opportunities that will be shared.
Is this a paid programme, and what is the time commitment?
- Ruia Taikaha: Yes, the programme includes a $3,000 stipend and travel costs are also covered. The time commitment is between 6-8 hours per month, which will consist of one monthly online wānanga and a range of optional networking opportunities. There are two in-person events that participants are expected to attend: 1) Programme launch at Ihumatao, Tāmaki Makarau (Tuesday 27th November). 2) Programme conclusion noho wānanga in Te Whanganui a Tara (Ngāti Toa and Te Herenga Waka) (Monday 8th April – Friday 12th April). This includes the DSC community event Tiaki Mai, Tiaki Atu, where rangatahi will be invited to present their learnings and reflections.
- Ruia Taitea: For the rangatahi that will be participating as ‘Ruia Taitea’ there is no stipend, however, we hope the programme is an opportunity for rangatahi to be exposed to opportunities, mātauranga, and connections. Some additional funding may become available through sponsorship with other organisations within our collective networks, but at this stage this cannot be guaranteed.
Pōupōu that will guide the programme
- Pōu 1: Tūhononga (Early connection)
- Pōu 2: Te Whakaohooho (Reawaken/Investment)
- Pōu 3: Nakunaku (Reduce to fragment | Digest)
- Pōu 4: Akoako (Initiate collaboration)
- Pōu 5: Tuia (Weave together)
Important Dates
The programme is approximately 5 months from November 2023 – April 2024. Before nomination, we ask research teams to confirm participants availability:
- Online launch will be Monday 13th of November
- Monthly workshops/wānanga (online) dates to be confirmed
- In-person launch (Ruia Taikaha only) Tuesday 27th November at Ihumātao
- Final noho wānanga (Ruia Taikaha only) Te Whanganui a Tara from Monday 8th April to Friday 12th April
What is the criteria for selection?
The programme has been designed for rangatahi Māori who are committed to working with and for hapū climate adapatation research and action. With this in mind, we are inviting Deep South Vision Mātauranga teams to consider who would be best aligned to benefit from this programme, with “rangatahi” determined by research teams relative to their own needs/interpretation. We expect a diverse range of participants and there will be a strong mentoring (tuakana/teina) thread woven throughout.
Nominations Process
Nominating research teams are asked to complete this form when they have selected their rangatahi. Rangatahi interested in Toi Rito, Toi Rangatira who don’t already have a relationship with one of the 14 DSC funded research teams (you can check here) Please contact [email protected] for any further pātai.
What if we have more than one Rangatahi to nominate?
Our process for filling the places in Ruia Taikaha will be one per team in the first instance, then, after nominations close, we will look to distribute any unfulfilled places equally amongst teams. If there is still a shortfall of places for Ruia Taikaha, we will review our budget and capacity to see if an increase in overall numbers can be made. It will be dependent on a range of factors including our own internal capacity. We are mindful that the selection process should not undermine or whakaiti the supportive environment teams have already established with their rangatahi, so please provide any contextual information that may be relevant to our considerations. We will be in touch with team leads after nominations close in order to work collaboratively to determine the final selection in the event an increase to final numbers is viable.
When do nominations close and when will people be notified?
- Nominations close: Friday November 3rd at midnight! Karawhiua!
- Nominations confirmed and announced: Friday 10th November (or earlier!)