- He whakaneke a te hapori o Te Hāpua ki tētahi ara haumaru
Hapū / Iwi
Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa, Ngati Kahu, Te AupouriOrganisation
Muriwhenua IncorporationRELATED RESEARCH
Marama Pohatu
Marama Pohatu is the Chairperson of Muriwhenua Incorporation, with whakapapa to Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa, Ngati Kahu, and Te Aupouri. In Marama’s role as chairperson she is leading He whakaneke a te hapori o Te Hāpua ki tētahi ara haumaru: Relocating Te Hāpua to safety as sea levels rise. In this research, the collective iwi of Te Hāpua and of Muriwhenua Incorporation are drawing on the knowledge of their living kaumātua, as well as those who have passed on, to create a proactive climate adaptation plan. This plan will examine the possibilities for, and the tikanga surrounding, relocation.