
Public talk: Navigating climate change – communication and politics

Three people doing business

The Deep South Challenge is proud to be partnering a free public talk in Wellington; Navigating climate change: communication and politics, by Associate Professor Maxwell Boykoff, University of Colorado-Boulder, USA.

About the talk

In the 21st century, effective science communication helps citizens to link academic research and policy with their everyday lives.  In this talk, Maxwell Boykoff will highlight how various communication approaches function, and why they succeed or fail to ‘meet people where they are’. Ultimately, he argues that climate conversations are generally stuck: the scale of response – shaped in part by discussions and deliberations in the public arena – has not yet risen to the scale of the challenge. 

“We need to be more effective in harnessing the power of communication and creativity and to confront what works where, when and why in climate change communications,” says Boykoff.

This is the second of a three-part series exploring aspects of modern day science communication.

Further speakers

Presentation by Associate Professor Maxwell Boykoff and discussion with Professor David Frame, Director, Deep South National Science Challenge, chaired by Peter Griffin, Director, Science Media Centre.

Associate Professor Boykoff is visiting Wellington thanks to support from the Deep South Science Challenge.

Details and tickets

When: 6 pm Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Where: Royal Society of New Zealand, 11 Turnbull Street, Thorndon, Wellington

Please visit the following site to book your tickets:…