May 20 2017
Lower Hutt | Dowse Art Museum, 45 Laings Rd
Climate Talk: Dr Huhana Smith

Join us for this free event to hear from artist and researcher Dr Huhana Smith on adaptation strategies to address climate change impacts on coastal Māori communities.
This talk will extend on the Kei Uta collective project Whakatairangitia rere ki uta, rere ki tai (Proclaim it to the land, proclaim it to the sea) that features in our current exhibition This Time of Useful Consciousness.
It is the culmination of a Deep South Challenge Research Project, that brought together scientific and creative practices with a mātauranga Māori approach, focused on Kuku in the Horowhenua region.
Huhana Smith
Professor Huhana Smith is a visual artist, curator and principle investigator a Massey University. She is co-principle investigator for research that includes mātauranga Māori methods with sciences to actively address climate change concerns for coastal Māori lands in Horowhenua-Kāpiti.