Monday 24 February 2020
Virtual hui: To participate via Skype, please register first by clicking the below link
Climate change impacts on land use suitability: An MPI seminar

Join us for an MPI-hosted lunchtime seminar session on Climate Change Impacts on Land Use Suitability, with Anne-Gaelle Ausseil (Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research).
Anne-Gaelle is leading the Climate Change Impacts on Land Use Suitability project, a partnership between the Deep South and Our Land and Water National Science Challenges.
Her recent research looks at how a changing climate could potentially change New Zealand’s agricultural industries. The research also explores how the primary sector can incorporate the effects of climate change into land use decision making, to make effective choices while meeting soil, water quality and economic objectives.
Neil Williams and Esther Richardson will also be present, to discuss how this research links with some of the other land-use suitability projects underway at MPI.
If you’re interested in climate change adaptation and land use change, you’re welcome to attend either in person at MPI (Wellington), or via Skype (details below).
If you have trouble joining:
Join via Skype Web App
Join by phone: +6448194675, conference ID 7734016
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If you have any questions, please contact Frankie Halsey at MPI: [email protected]
Anne-Gaelle Ausseil
Anne-Gaelle Ausseil (Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research) is an environmental scientist focussing on land-use and climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Her research interests cover a broad range of areas including integrated and multidisciplinary approaches for coupling biophysical and economic models, environmental management decision making, spatial information, climate change, landscape change dynamics, and biodiversity conservation.