Research webinar

Who pays for climate adaptation? And is it fair?

Legal liability and ethics in climate adaptation

In this seminar, you’ll hear from Lisa Ellis and Catherine Iorns, researchers from different fields, both looking at the question of who should fund climate adaptation.

Lisa Ellis’s research report, How should the risks of sea-level rise be shared?, was published in late 2020, and received wide coverage in the media. In a long-form Stuff NZ article, Beach Rd: The rising sea and the reshaping of New Zealand, Lisa said, “Sea-level rise as a whole poses the threat of a ‘perfect moral storm of risk transfer’ – without a solid, fair legal framework, the disadvantaged would bear the brunt of the problem… The problem is we don’t have a predictable, legal framework outlying where those risks should lie.”


How should the risks of sea-level rise be shared?